Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

RIGWARL – The Bristleback

RIGWARL – The Bristleback

The quillboars were never interested in the affairs and wars of other races, but one knew that the Scourge would eventually descend on their lands if left unchecked. Entering the ranks of the Sentinel for the sole reason of the preservation of his tribe, Rigwarl brings primal instincts to the never ending battle. Each time he releases a flurry of quills or a glob of slime, he works himself into a frenzy that increases his effectiveness drastically, and should he be in danger, his bristle back would shield him from further harm. A perfect demonstration of the abilities that even lesser beings can unleash.

Ini hero favorit gw banget, kalo pake ini gw berani lawan 5 sendirian kalo sendirian. Kuncinya harus cepet-cepet jadi vanguard dulu. Kalo gw biasa di tengah ditambah botol, skalian power-up control.
Ni urutan item yang biasa gw pake :


Buat power-up control, nyicil pake spray butuh mana gede.


Kalo udah vanguard lu bisa nekad, maju gx peduli tower.


Buat ngejar hero, pake phaseboot supaya bisa nerobos creep.


Pas war lu musti kena pukul/magic dari musuh supaya skill pasif lu keluar, pas dipukulin aktifin blademail, Mampus dah tuh semua.


Lu gx perlu mukul kalo war, lu ngebunuh dari spray+radiance+blademail.


Kalo ngejer biar tambah lambat musuhnya aktifin shiva guard

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